+ 국제기구 |
www.oecd.org |
www.wto.org |
www.apec.org |
EU |
europa.eu.int/index-en.htm |
www.imf.org |
International Telecommunication Union |
www.itu.int/ |
www.intelsat.int/ |
www.inmarsat.org/ |
Asia Pacific Telecommunity |
www.aptsec.org/ |
+ 미국 |
미국 상무부 |
www.doc.gov |
국가정보화추진위원회 IITF(Information Infrastructure Task Force) |
www.iitf.nist.gov |
연방통신위원회 FCC(federal Communications Commission) |
www.fcc.gov |
정보통신청 NTIA(National Telecommunication & Information Administration) |
www.ntia.doc.gov |
정부 정보기술서비스위원회 GITS(Government Information Technology Service) |
www.gits.gov |
정부혁신 범정부협의회 NPR(National Partnership for Reinventing government) |
www.npr.gov |
차세대 인터넷 NGI(Next Generation Internet |
www.ngi.gov |
United States Postal Service |
www.usps.gov/ |
+ 영국 |
영국 무역산업부 |
www.dti.gov.uk |
영국 전기통신청 OFTEL(Office of Telecommunications) |
www.oftel.gov.uk |
영국 중앙컴퓨터통신처 (Central Computer and Communications Agency) |
www.ccta.gov.uk |
The Radiocommunications Agency |
www.radio.gov.uk/ |
Independent Television Commission |
www.itc.org.uk/ |
The Post Office |
www.ukpo.com/ |
Royal Mail |
www.royalmail.co.uk/ |
Parcel Force |
www.parcelforce.co.uk/ |
Post Office Counters LTD |
www.postoffice-counters.co.uk/ |
+ 일본 |
일본 경제산업성 |
www.meti.go.jp |
우정성 MPT(Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications) |
www.mpt.go.jp |
우정성 통신연구소 CRL(Communications Research Laboratory) |
www.crl.go.jp |
우정연구소 |
www.iptp.go.jp |
Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research |
www.iijnet.or.jp/ |
+ 호주 |
호주 산업과학자원부 |
www.disr.gov.au |
정부온라인 (Government Online) |
www.ogo.gov.au |
정보산업연합회 (Australian Information Industry Association) |
www.aiia.com.au |
정보경제실 (National Office for the Information Economy) |
www.noie.gov.au |
통신성 ACA(Australian Communication Authority) |
www.aca.gov.au |
통신예술부 DCA(Department of Communications and the Arts) |
www.dca.gov.au |
행정정보화실 |
www.ogit.gov.au |
+ 뉴질랜드 |
정부온라인 NZGO(New Zealand Government Online) |
www.govt.nz |
+ 캐나다 |
캐나다 산업부 |
www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/menu-e.asp |
산업성 (Industry Canada) |
www.ic.gc.ca |
캐나다 전파,텔레비전,통신위원회 CRTC(Canada Radio-television Telecommunications Commission) |
www.crtc.gc.ca |
캐나다 네트워크 (Connecting Canadians) |
www.connet.gc.ca |
Canada Postes |
hwww.mailposte.ca/ |
+ 유럽 |
EC (The European Commission) |
www.europa.eu.int/comm/index_en.htm |
유럽 정보사회부흥사무국 ISPO(Information Society Promotion Office) |
www.ispo.cec.be |
유럽 지방정부데이터베이스센터 (European Local Government Database) |
www.elgo.co.uk |
유럽 정보통신사무국 ETO(European Telecommunications Office) |
www.eto.dk |
지속가능한 개발을 위한 정보사회영향평가위원회 ISIAS(Information Society Impact Assessment for Sustainability) |
www.isias.org |
프랑스 정보통신부 (Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Space) |
www.telecom.gouv.fr |
프랑스 Ministere Culture, Communication |
www.culture.gouv.fr/ |
프랑스 La Poste |
www.laposte.fr/ |
독일 연방경제부 FME(Federal Ministry of Economics) |
www.bmwi.de |
독일 통신우정규제청 RATP(Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Posts) |
www.regtp.de |
독일정보사회 이니셔티브 (Initiative Information Society Germany) |
www.iid.de |
독일 Deutsche Post AG |
www.post-ag.de/ |
덴마크 정보통신청 (National Telecom Agency) |
www.tst.dk |
+ 중국 |
신식산업부 (Ministry of Information Industry) |
www.mii.gov.cn |
+ 싱가폴 |
국가전산원 NCB(National Computer Board) |
www.ncb.gov.sg |
싱가폴 원 (Singapore ONE) |
www.s-one.net.sg |
싱가폴 인포컴 개발청(IDA=NCB+TAS) |
www.ida.gov.sg |
싱가폴 통신국 TAS(Telecommunication Authority of Singapore) |
www.tas.gov.sg |
+ 홍콩 |
디지털 21(Digital 21) |
www.digital21.gov.hk |
+ 태국 |
전자,컴퓨터기술센터 NECTEC(National Electronics and Computer Technology Center) |
www.nectec.or.th |