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 Upload Point PAD
1  Cnet  http://download.com  upload      
1  File Hungry  http://www.filehungry.com  upload      
1  SoftTonic (Spanish)  http://www.softonic.com      
1  Tucows  http://www.tucows.com      
2  Free Downloads Centre  http://freedownloadscenter.com  upload      
2  EarthWeb Developer  http://softwaredev.earthweb.com      
2  5 Star Shareware  http://www.5star-shareware.com      
2  File Basket  http://www.filebasket.com/  upload      
2  Rocket Download  http://www.rocketdownload.com      
2  Simtel  http://www.simtel.net      
2  SoftlandMark  http://www.softlandmark.com  upload      
2  Software Seeker  http://www.softwareseeker.com      
2  Top Downloads  http://www.topdownloads.net      
3  2 Have It  http://www.2haveit.com  upload      
3  ASP Shareware  http://www.asp-shareware.org  upload      
3  Dave Central  http://www.davecentral.com      
3  Development Archive  http://www.devarchive.com      
3  Down 4 Free  http://www.down4free.com      
3  Download 32  http://www.download32.com  upload      
3  Elinodoro (Spanish)  http://www.elinodoro.com      
3  TrialWare Org  http://www.trialware.org  upload      
4  Blue Chillies  http://bluechillies.com  upload      
4  Pauls Picks  http://paulspicks.com  upload      
4  BHS  http://www.bhs.com      
4  Bills Software Picks  http://www.billssoftwarepicks.com  upload      
4  Download FreeTrial  http://www.downloadfreetrial.com  upload      
4  File Clicks  http://www.fileclicks.com/      
4  File Library  http://www.filelibrary.com/      
4  File Transit  http://www.filetransit.com/      
4  Hot Downloads  http://www.hotdownloads.com      
4  Jumbo  http://www.jumbo.com      
4  Newest Shareware  http://www.newestshareware.com  upload      
4  Shareware Junction  http://www.sharewarejunction.com/      
4  Software Awards  http://www.software-awards.com/  upload      
5  AL Computers  http://alcomputers.dhs.org  upload      
5  Atsofttop  http://atsofttop.com      
5  CWS Apps  http://cws.internet.com      
5  Download32  http://download32.com      
5  Download Tip  http://download-tipp.de      
5  Driverz  http://driverz.net      
5  File Forum  http://fileforum.betanews.com/      
5  Files Koodles  http://files.koodles.com/      
5  SUNET  http://ftp.sunet.se/      
5  Garbo FTP Archive  http://garbo.uwasa.fi/      
5  Malek Tips  http://malektips.envprogramming.com/      
5  Quality Shareware  http://quality-shareware.com/  upload      
5  Security landing  http://securitylanding.com  upload      
5  Necromancers  http://soft.necromancers.ru/  upload      
5  Software.start4all  http://software.start4all.com/      
5  Download France  http://telecharger.01net.com/ajouter_logiciel.html  upload      
5  VolFTP  http://volftp.mondadori.com/      
5  1 Smart Site  http://www.1smartsite.com  upload      
5  2000 Shareware  http://www.2000shareware.com      
5  200 Shareware Links  http://www.200sharewarelinks.com  upload      
5  32Bit  http://www.32bit.com      
5  Aaasoftware-ezine.com  http://www.aaasoftware-ezine.com  upload      
5  AB Archive  http://www.ab-archive.com  upload      
5  AfreeGo  http://www.afreego.com  upload      
5  Alberts Albery  http://www.alberts.com      
5  Share Source  http://www.angelfire.com/sc/jonathanet/      
5  BP Software  http://www.bpsoftware.com  upload      
5  Cdnet  http://www.cdnet.com  upload      
5  Computer Channel  http://www.computerchannel.de/      
5  Cool Tools  http://www.cooltool.com      
5  Download.dk  http://www.download.dk      
5  Download.Iv  http://www.download.lv      
5  Download.Net  http://www.download.net  upload      
5  Download Safari  http://www.downloadsafari.com/      
5  Easy Cab  http://www.easycab.com/      
5  Emerald Dragon  http://www.ed3k.com/  upload      
5  Xiaomu's Internet Apps  http://www.enet.it/mirror/www/winsock/  upload      
5  eRomania  http://www.eromania-net.com  upload      
5  EZGoal  http://www.ezgoal.com  upload      
5  EzSoft  http://www.ezsoft.net/index.asp      
5  File Area  http://www.filearea.co.il  upload      
5  File Flash  http://www.fileflash.com      
5  File Gate  http://www.filegate.net  upload      
5  File Guru  http://www.fileguru.com  upload      
5  Files 32  http://www.files32.com      
5  Galt Download Zone  http://www.galttech.com/      
5  GimmeFiles  http://www.gimmefiles.com  upload      
5  Global Software Solutions  http://www.globalsoftwaresolutions.net      
5  Good Files  http://www.goodfiles.com  upload      
5  GrabaFile  http://www.grabafile.com      
5  Harris Hanger  http://www.harrishangar.com/      
5  Icon Shareware  http://www.iconshareware.com      
5  Key Screen  http://www.keyscreen.com/      
5  Link Everything Online  http://www.leo.org      
5  MdWin  http://www.mdwin.com/      
5  My Zips  http://www.myzips.com/      
5  Net Downloads  http://www.netdownload.com/      
5  Pass The Shareware  http://www.passtheshareware.com      
5  PcWorld  http://www.pcworld.com/downloads      
5  PolderWare  http://www.polderware.com      
5  Shareware 54  http://www.shareware54.com  upload      
5  Shareware Directory  http://www.sharewaredirectory.com/      
5  Shareware Junkies  http://www.sharewarejunkies.com   upload      
5  Shareware Place  http://www.sharewareplace.com  upload      
5  Shareware Place  http://www.sharewareplace.com/ads/      
5  Shareware Solutions  http://www.sharewaresolutions.com      
5  Shareware Viking  http://www.sharewareviking.com      
5  Simply The Best  http://www.simplythebest.net/      
5  SofoTex  http://www.sofotex.com  upload      
5  Software Scout  http://www.softscout.com      
5  Software Direct  http://www.softwaredirect.com      
5  Software Tyme  http://www.softwaretyme.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index  upload      
5  StarLynx  http://www.starlynx.com/congo/win95place/      
5  Start Manager  http://www.startmanager2002.com/sw/  upload      
5  Surf Madison  http://www.surfmadison.com/library.htm      
5  Tiklsoft Center  http://www.tiklsoft.com/      
5  Ultra Software  http://www.ultrasoftware.net/      
5  Version Tracker  http://www.versiontracker.com      
5  WinApps List  http://www.winappslist.com/      
5  Win Shareware  http://www.winshareware.com  upload      
5  Yippee  http://www.yippee.net      
5  Download Fast (paid)  https://www.downloadfast.com      
6  Download Soft-ware  http://www.downloadsoft-ware.com      
6  File Depot  http://www.fdepot.com/  upload      
6  Sky Lark Utilities  http://www.skylarkutilities.com/      
6  Soft Pile  http://www.softpile.com/      
6  Software Archives  http://www.softwarearchives.com/      
6  Total Shareware  http://www.totalshareware.com  upload      
6  WinSite  http://www.winsite.com  upload      
7  IT Pro Downloads  http://itprodownloads.com      
7  Software Hispavista  http://software.hispavista.com/      
7  Software Networld  http://software.networld.com/      
7  Shareware Now  http://softwarenow.iboost.com      
7  50 Download  http://www.50download.com  upload      
7  Chasik  http://www.chasik.com  upload      
7  FreeSoft.ru  http://www.freesoft.ru/add.html  upload      
7  The Cove  http://www.ltamedia.com/cove/      
7  Shareware Connection  http://www.sharewareconnection.com/  upload      
7  Skali  http://www.skali.com      
7  Soft Depia  http://www.softdepia.com/      
7  Software Titles  http://www.softwaretitles.com/      
7  Web Attack  http://www.webattack.com      
8  Win Archives  http://home.winarchives.com      
8  Any Windows Shareware  http://shareme.com/      
8  Software.de  http://softer.de/  upload      
8  Stuff All  http://stuffall.com/software/index.shtml      
8  Super Files  http://superfiles.com/      
8  Win Picks  http://winpicks.com/      
8  Go Download  http://www.go-download.com/      
8  Net Shareware  http://www.netshareware.com/      
8  Pad Ring  http://www.padring.com  upload      
8  PcWin  http://www.pcwin.com      
8  Program Files  http://www.programfiles.com      
8  Rad Files  http://www.radfiles.com/      
8  ShareFree 2000  http://www.sharefree2000.de      
8  Shareware Live  http://www.sharewarelive.com/index.asp      
9  Baixaki  http://baixaki.ig.com.br  upload      
9  Freeware 32.ru  http://freeware32.ru  upload      
9  Anotherwin95  http://www.anotherwin95.com  upload      
9  Best Downloads  http://www.bestdownload.com  upload      
9  DigiFriends  http://www.digifriends.com  upload      
9  Hot Software  http://www.hot-software.net      
9  Exchange FAQ  http://www.msexchange.org/      
9  Windows Pc Shareware  http://www.windowspc.com/  upload      
10  Arizona Macintosh Users Group  http://www.amug.org  upload      
10  Axis Online  http://www.axis-online.net/share.shtml  upload      
10  Clicked  http://www.clicked.com/shareware/index.html      
10  Cool Tool Awards  http://www.cooltoolawards.com/contact/cool_tool_nomination.htm      
10  Free Software Downloads  http://www.free-software-downloads.org/