Christianity I
- Christian Talk Radio (Atlanta/Chicago/Columbus/Dallas/Houston/Phoenix/Washington, DC)
- Holy net, another Korean site for Christians
- Hosanna net, a wonderful Christian site in Korean
- God People, a Koran Christian portal
- Bible Search Machine, you can find any words or verses of various versions of the Bibles
-, The intersection of faith and life
- World Wide Study Bible, I strongly recommend you this bible study site
- Study Bible Forum from the Lockman foundation
- Sermon Central, Over 13,000 sermons indexed by Bible Chapter
- Sermon Audio, online audio sermon collection
- Back to the Bible, you can listen to the gold of online preaches
- The WWW Bible Gateway, every version of English Bible Translations
- Gospel Communications Network
- Speaking of Faith - Online Radio Archives
- Our Daily Bread
- Benny Hinn
- Goshen, Christian web directory
- Sojourners, Christians for Justice and Peace
Energy and Resources
- Association for the Study of Peak Oil
- Hubbert Peak of Oil Production
- Oil Crisis News, from NYU Stern School of Business
- World Resources Institute
- Worldwatch Institute
- Resources, from Resources for the Future
Geography I
- Department of geography at Seoul National University
- Department of geography at Pennsylvania State University
- Department of geography at University of Texas at Austin
- Department of geography at University of Iowa
- Department of geography at University of Oregon
- School of geography at University of Oxford
- Department of geography at University of Cambridge
- Department of geography at University of California at Berkeley
- Department of geography at University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
- Department of geography at University of Wisconsin at Madison
- Association of American Geographers
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Archives of BSG-AAG@LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU, by the Biogeography Specialty Group - AAG
- City Map of Seoul and its vicinities
- Driving Directions in the USA
- 3D Atlas Online
- TIGER, U.S. Census Bureau's Mapping and Cartographic Resources
- How far is it?, calculates the distance between two places you choose around the world.
- The Ancient World
- HTML color codes, for thematic map drawing and webpage building
Online texts, including English literature
- The ETEXT Archives
- The On-Line Books at UPENN
- Oxford Text Archives
- Representative Poetry On-line, at university of Toronto
- Electronic Library
- Project Gutenberg, you can find the very text you have been searching for.
- Project Bartleby, Quotation Archives, you can find any word you want in that very literature.
Middle East
- Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University
- Middle East Institute
- Arabia.On.Line, Arab News
- Middle East Network Information Center, University of Texas at Austin
- Encyclopaedia of the Orient
Plant Taxonomy
- Flowering Plant Gateway
- The United States National Arboretum
- Vascular Plant Taxonomy, interactive study
- Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE)
- American Journal of Botany
- US National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)
- Forest Korea
- Botanic Sorting Machine
- Principles of Biology Lectures on the Web
- Plant Function
- Useful Plant Ecology Links
- USDA, NRCS, National Plant Data Center
- Kimball's Biology
- Plant Physiology
- Plants of Korea
- Electronic Sites of Botany, Plant Biology & Science Journals
- Elsevier Science Your gateway to science
- American Journal of Botany
- American Forests
- Arbor Day Information and FREE trees The National Arbor Day Foundation
- Audubon Magazine
- Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change
- Conservation Ecology - A Peer Reviewed Journal
- Conservation International
- Convention on Biological Diversity
- ECO Earth Communications Office
- Ecological Footprints of Nations
- Ecotrust
- Environmental Careers Organization
- Environmental News Network (Radio)
- Environmental Organization Web Directory
- Environmental Resources on the World Wide Web
- Environmental Sites on the Internet
- Greenpeace USA
- Home Power, the hands-on journal of home-made power
- IIED - International Institute for Environment and Development
- International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, Finland
- IUCN - The World Conservation Union
- Korean Federation for Environmental Movement
- NASA Earth Observatory
- National Wildlife Federation
- National Wildlife Magazine
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- The Nature Conservancy - Help Protect Endangered Species
- The Need to Know Library - Ecology and Environment Links
- NWF - International Wildlife Magazine
- Rainforest Action Network
- The Sierra Club
- Student Conservation Association, Inc.
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Volcano World -- The Premier Source of Volcano Info on the Web
- Wetlands - AEME
- The Wildlife Society
- The Woods Hole Research Center - Research and Policy in Global Ecology
- WWF Global Network -
- WWF - US World Wildlife Fund
- Arbor Day Information and FREE trees The National Arbor Day Foundation
Christianity II
- Korea Computer Mission
- Music Channel
- In Touch Ministries
- Internet Christian Library
- Association of Chicago Theological Schools
- Foxnews 1340 at Beaumont, TX
- Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
- Project Wittenberg
- Korean Bible
- Scripture memory list of all 700 Bible verse cards in Memlok's 48 topics. Each has a word pictu
- The Navigators U.S.Ministries - Helping you in your walk with Christ.
- Christian Music A to V - WordOnline
- C3TV (Online Audio Bible - Korean)
- - Christian search, Email, News, Music, Chat & more.
- Institute for Creation Research
- Taehakchon Church
- Youngnak Church
- Peter Class
- Fukuoka CCC, Missionary Lee
- The Official Promise Keepers Website
- Making sense of life. SOON Online Magazine contents page bringing hope & freedom
- Touchstone, A Journal of Mere Christianity - The Fellowship of St. James
- Boundless Webzine
- Moody Magazine
- BreakPoint
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- CHRISTIANITY ONLINE - Christian Community, Interests and Magazines!
- The Text This Week
- Christian Ethics Movement
- Gospel and Condition
- Exodus International
- CCMI, where you can find good Korean Bible versions
- Music Channel
Geography II
- Country Studies: Area Handbook Series (The US Library of Congress / Federal Research Division)
- The Professional Geographer
- Biogeography Listings
- Geography, Departments around the world
- Geography Web Ring
- Geography Resources
- Third Annual Western Geography Graduate Student Conference
- - City info, data, stats
- CIA World Factbook
- Examining Dynamically Linked Geographic Visualization
- WCSU List: World Area Studies Internet Resources
- EARTHWORKS worldwide career and employment opportunities in the geosciences and sciences
- Global land environments during the last 130,000 years
- Plate Tectonics
- Biogeography and Conservation Biology
- World Climates
- UC Museum of Paleontology
- Naive Geography (Paper)
- U-Oregon On-line Geography Course Material
- Geography - Professional Associations
- Selected Internet Resources for Biogeography
- UMN - Geography Course WWW Pages
- Geography 647 - Biogeography Seminar - Goetz
- Biogeography
- The Weather Channel
- IGU Biogeography Study Group
- AAG Biogeography Specialty Group
- Biogeography Reference Links
- Biogeography and Ecology links
- Weather Reference Links
- Ecosystems and Biogeography (Chapter 11)
- CTI Centre for Geography, Geology and Meteorology Biogeography and Pedology
- Physical Geography Internet Links Biogeography - Ecology
- Biogeography Lecture Outlines - ASU
- Biogeography and Climate
- University of Colorado Geography
- Plant Ecology (formerly Vegetatio)
- International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
- Geography World
- The official U.S. time, set your watch by this time signal
- MapBlast!
- Web Italian Lessons, by Lucio Chiappetti
- French Lessons
- Oddens Geography Bookmarks
- The Professional Geographer
English Literature & Texts
- Stanford Libraries - Collections & Resources
- Brown KSA
- Literature Awards Winners Lists
- Asian American Journalists Association
- UNITY, Journalists of Color
- E-Journals.Org
- The Literary Arts WebRing
- Teens Writing
- Perseus Project
- Modern American Poetry
- Stanford Libraries - Collections & Resources
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