인력개발/관리/시스템(HRD, HRM, HRIS) | |
IHRIM Magazine | 잡지 http://www.ihrim.org/ihrimweb/pubs/ihrim_mag.html |
Columbia Human Recources Online | 계간지(연4회) http://www.columbia.edu/cu |
Employee Relations | 계간지/온라인으로 http://www.mcb.co.uk/cgi-bin/journal1/er/ |
HR Monthly | 잡지 http://www.ahri.com.au/ |
HR News Magazine | 매일의 온라인 : 잡지/월간 http://www.shrm.org |
HR Today | 월간지 http://www.hrtoday.com/ |
Human Resource Management | 계간지/온라인으로 : HRD, HRM http://www.mcb.co.uk/cgi-bin/journal1/hrmid/ |
HRMagazine | 월간지/온라인 : HRD,HRM http://www.shrm.org/hrmagazine/articles/ |
Career Magazine | 월간지/온라인 : 업무와 능력개발 http://www.careermag.com/ |
Industrial and Labor Relations Review | 계간지/온라인으로 : 산업과 노동자의 관계 http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/depts/ILRrev/ |
International Journal of Manpower | 계간지/온라인으로 : HRD,HRM http://www.mcb.co.uk/cgi-bin/journal1/pr/ |
Journal of Workplace Learning : Employee Counselling Today | 계간지/온라인으로 : 고용자 카운셀링 http://www.mcb.co.uk/cgi-bin/journal1/ect/ |
National Business Employment Weekly | 주간지/온라인으로 http://www.nbew.com/ |
Personnel Review | 계간지/온라인으로 : HRD, HRM http://www.mcb.co.uk/cgi-bin/journal1/pr/ |
Workday Digest | 주간 다이제스트와 온라인 : HRD,HRM http://www.workforceonline.com |
지식경영교육(Knowledge Development and Management) | |
Executive Report on Knowledge, | 과학기술과 실행 |
Knowledge Management Journal | 계간저널 : Knowledge Management |
KM Metazine | 온라인 잡지 : Knowledge Management |
Artificial Intelligence | 온라인 잡지 |
리스크관리경영교육(Risk Management) | |
The Global Risk Management | 실시간 온라인 잡지 |
창의력/혁신개발교육(Creativity and Innovation Development and Management) | |
Creativity and Innovation Management | 계간저널 : Creativity and Innovation |
성과향상교육(PI,PT, HPWS, EPSS) | |
Performance Improvement Journal | 온라인 뉴스 : ISPI's Performance Improvement |
The-E-Zine for High Performance Companies | 온라인 뉴스 : Leading companies' high performance |
Performance Improvement Quarterly | 계간지 : ISPI's Performance Improvement |
팀제경영교육(Team Development, Management, and Performance) | |
Team Management | 온라인 : Team Management Systems and International Case Studies |
Team Performance Management | 계간저널/온라인 : Team Performance Management |
교육훈련/학습조직개발(Training & Development and LO) | |
Training Tomorrow | 계간저널/온라인 : Training |
Educational Management | 계간저널/온라인 : Educational Management |
The Review of Higher Education | 계간저널 : Higher Education |
Training & Management Development Methods | 계간저널/온라인 : Management Developmen |
The Chronicle of Higher Education | 월간지/온라인 : Higher Education |
Industrial and Commerical Training | 계간저널/온라인 : Training |
The Learning Organization | 계간저널/온라인 : LO |
The Journal of Management Development | 계간저널/온라인 : Management Development |
Career Development International | 계간저널/온라인 : Career Development |
Education + Training | 계간저널/온라인 : Education and Training |
T-Magazine | 온라인 : Training & Development |
Training | 온라인 잡지 : Training & Development |
마케팅/영업교육(Marketing & Sales Strategy/Development/Management) | |
Asian Advertising and Marketing | Ads and Marketing |
European Journal of Marketing | 계간저널 Marketing |
Creative Magazine | 계간지 The magazine of Promotion and Marketing |
Incentive | 월간지/온라인 Managing and Marketing Through Motivation |
Contemporary Long term Care Magazine | 월간지/온라인Managing and Marketing Long term Care |
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